
Date published: 30 March, 2015

This item is for cutting unwanted established young saplings and other woody growth to reduce stocking and remove unwanted species within a low impact silvicultural system where this action helps meet the objectives of the Woodland Improvement Grant – Low Impact Silvicultural Systems option. This is also for use within urban woodlands where this action helps meet the objectives of the Woodland Improvement Grant – Woods In and Around Towns option.

You must record the area designated for cleaning on a map and give the management reasons for the operation in your application.

You should ensure that the trees are cut as close as possible to the ground (below the bottom ring of branches) to ensure no regrowth.

The operation should be carried out to produce stocking densities which are appropriate to the target species. In order to aid timber quality and individual tree stability it is recommended that birch and all conifer species (with the possible exception of Scots pine) require systematic respacing, possibly in two stages beginning at one metre to 1.5 metres tree height. Target densities should be 1,500 to 3,000 stems per hectare. Broadleaved species (and possibly Scots pine) require repeated selective respacing and cleaning operations to remove poor quality individuals. Start at about three metres height and continue as long as is necessary until first thinning, retaining a closed canopy.

You must show the area where cleaning will be taking place on your Woods In and Around Towns Operational Plan map or your low impact silvicultural system map.

Please ensure you abide by conditions set out in the Forestry Grant Scheme claim form and guidance.

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