Agriculture Weather Advisory Panel update

Providing an update on the recently established Agriculture Weather Advisory Panel, Rural
Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing said:

“I recognise the impact that the wet weather has had on farmers in some parts of Scotland and was
pleased to announce earlier this month the first meeting of the Agriculture Weather Advisory Panel, which comprises Scottish Government, other public agency and industry stakeholders.

“Following the meeting, the Scottish Government has increased the scope of the Farm Advisory
Service to include one-to-one specialist advice to farmers and crofters on the use of feed budgeting to better manage livestock dietary needs, particularly over the winter period and in light of increased straw prices.

“In conjunction with RSABI we have also identified six pilot farms in the west of Scotland to offer advice relating to feed budgeting, with the intention to open this up more widely to farmers throughout the agricultural sector in due course.

“In addition we are working with the SAC to deliver a series of workshops on winter resilience in areas of Scotland that have faced challenging times with wet weather over the Summer and Autumn periods.

“The Agriculture Weather Advisory Panel is due to meet again in January and I’m sure it will give further consideration to these and other pressing issues at that time.”

Published on: 19 December, 2017