Entitlement value displaying incorrectly on SAF 2020

Within the online Single Application Form (SAF) there is a section titled Entitlements. This section is where any applications to the National Reserve could be made and also where any Basic Payment Scheme entitlements already held by a business should be displayed showing the numbers and value by payment region.

The number and value of entitlements is illustrative and may be amended, for example, if there are entitlement transfers still to process.

We are aware of a problem for SAF 2020 in that there are applications where the entitlements value is displayed as a zero. The value can be missing for some or all of the different lots of entitlements held by a business.

This problem is just a display issue and has no impact on your ability to correctly complete and submit the 2020 SAF application. Note that if the value is displayed as a zero on screen then any SAF acknowledgement letter or SAF summary generated will also show a zero value

The functionality to display 2020 BPS entitlements within the Rural Payments and Services IT system is still being developed, when this is complete you will be able to see entitlement numbers and value for 2020. At the moment all you can see are the entitlements from 2015-2019.

Direct Payments Team

Published on: 9 April, 2020