UK Preliminary Best Practice Bracken Management Guidance published

With the herbicide Asulox no longer available to treat bracken, there was a need to update best practice guidance on bracken management, which was previously heavily weighted towards chemical treatment.

The UK nature conservation bodies, (Natural England, NatureScot, DAERA Northern Ireland, Natural Resources Wales) and the UK national historic advisory bodies, (Historic England, Historic Environment Scotland, Communities Northern Ireland and Cadw) commissioned revised guidance on bracken management, which has now been published on the NatureScot website.

This preliminary guidance promotes best practice in bracken management across the UK and will be updated as further information emerges. It contains information on the range of different manual and mechanised treatment methods available with associated example case study information. A Bracken Management Plan template has also been included, to help land managers plan and monitor bracken treatment over a five year period.


Agri Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) supporting guidance for Bracken Management

Published on: 9 July, 2024