Rates and limits of grants

Date published: 21 July, 2016

For recent changes to this guidance, please check the bottom of the page

The maximum rate of grant your business will be eligible for is determined by the size of the business: large, medium, small or micro and by the activity or products your business produces.

Capital grants – investments in physical assets

Business size ¹Annex I inputs to ¹Annex I outputs ¹Annex I inputs to ²Non-annex I outputs
Large enterprise 40% Ineligible
Medium enterprise 40% 10%
Small enterprise 40% 20%
Micro enterprise 40% 20%

¹ Annex I – products are agricultural products as defined in Annex I of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union. More detailed information can be found in:


Technical guidance

List of eligible agricultural products

² Non-Annex I – if your output is not an Annex I product, then medium, small and micro companies are eligible but the grant rate is lower. If a negligible element of your outputs are non-Annex I, overall the outputs may be considered to be Annex I for grant funding purposes.

In these circumstances you may wish to complete the pre-application form in advance of the full application for clarification as the maximum rate of grant you could be eligible for will vary.

Non-capital grants (including co-operation)

Co-operation Groups & Ventures

Size of enterprise Co-operation Feasability
Micro/small 60% 70%
Medium 50% 60%
Large 40% 50%

Other Non-Capital projects
Size of enterprise


Fairs and shows (national events only)(1) Innovation (including clusters, process and organisation) (2) Training (3)
Micro/small 50% 50% 50% 70%
Medium 50% 50% 50% 60%
Large Nil Nil 15% 50%

(1) Projects that are focussed on attending regional and local fairs and shows should contact their local LEADER team to discuss support options

(2) Alternatively 100% for SMEs where costs do not exceed €200,000 per undertaking within any three year period, under state aid de-minimis arrangements 325,000 Special Drawing Rights in a 3 year period. Please contact the Food & Drink Grants Team to discuss this

(3) Where training is given to workers with disabilities or disadvantaged workers, the aid intensity may be increased by 10% up to the maximum aid of 70%

Section Change
Non-capital grants Addition of rates

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