Management of Floodplains

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Date published: 30 March, 2015

Date superceded: 9 June, 2015

The aim of this option is to manage floodplains to help manage flood risk and to benefit biodiversity.

By intercepting water as it overtops the river bank, floodplains will act as flood storage areas, helping to reduce the impacts of flooding downstream.

Well-managed floodplains will also support a diverse range and structure of wetland plant species which in turn will provide a food source for insects, mammals and birds.

Any grassland or land in arable rotation with a newly created grass sward which is allowed to flood (for example, following the removal of a flood bank), and is grazed for all or part of the year by livestock is eligible. Only the portion of the parcel of land that is liable to flooding is eligible.

You must identify on a map the locations of floodplain to be managed.

  • you must manage the same location and extent each year for the duration of your contract
  • you must monitor the field and remove stock when required due to flooding
  • you must maintain a diary

You can claim £57.43 per hectare per year.

There is a separate capital item to support the management of floodplains:

You can support the management of floodplains with one of the following management options:

The inspectors will check:

  • you have managed the same location and extent each year for the duration of your contract
  • you have monitored the field and removed stock when required due to flooding
  • you have maintained a diary