Supporting guidance for Restoration of Species-rich Grassland

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Date published: 21 December, 2015

Date superseded: 9 January, 2017

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Use this item to restore botanical diversity to species-rich grasslands where diversity has been reduced by practices such as the application of lime, fertiliser or farmyard manure, or the use of herbicides. This item must be taken alongside the Species-rich Grassland Management option.

The restoration of species-rich grasslands can be difficult and it is important to choose suitable sites. Restoration sites should have less than 30 per cent rye-grasses and white clover or other sown grasses such as cocksfoot and Timothy. They should retain some signs of species diversity with at least 10 per cent cover of wildflowers (not including white clover, creeping buttercup or injurious weeds). Where competitive species are present and there is no existing botanical interest, it will be more effective to use the Creation of Species-rich Grassland capital item.

Low soil fertility is important. High residual nutrient levels (especially phosphate) encourage competitive grasses to grow fast and crowd out smaller species. If in doubt, it is worth doing a simple soil analysis first. Weeds such as creeping thistle and broad leaved dock, can be a problem if you do not control them.

The best fields to select are adjacent to existing species-rich grasslands which can act as a further source of seed.

This item will support the restoration of species-rich grassland below the hill dyke. If you wish to include land above the hill dyke in your application you should explain why you consider this land to be species-rich grassland rather than moorland. You should provide either a Phase 1 habitat map of the area, including species lists and target notes and showing the extent of the different habitats, or a map of the National Vegetation Classification communities. Land previously managed as moorland should continue to be managed as moorland.

Choose native Scottish species that naturally grow in your area. They should be of UK origin and preferably of Scottish origin. Since you are diversifying existing grassland, you can sow either a grass-herb mixture (not including productive agricultural grasses) or a pure wildflower mixture. Sow the seed at a minimum rate of 5–10kg/ha for a grass / wildflower mixture or 1–2kg/ha of pure wildflower mixture.

A range of seed mixtures are available from reputable wildflower seed merchants, including grazing meadow mixtures, hay meadow mixtures and upland grassland mixtures. The species present in adjacent unimproved areas such as road verges and field margins may help to identify a suitable mixture. Consider also the management planned for the site (cutting or grazing). We recommend you seek advice to help select an appropriate seed mixture.

Sowing yellow rattle can help to sustain the diversity of the sward. Yellow rattle is semi-parasitic and takes nutrients from grasses and other nutrient-demanding plants in the sward, making them less vigorous. This creates a more open sward which allows other, less competitive meadow plants, to grow. It is native to the UK and can be found in a range of semi-natural grasslands but particularly species-rich, neutral hay meadows. Yellow rattle is an annual plant which needs to be sown in autumn. It can dominate but is controlled by cutting or grazing in summer. It is mildly toxic and can taint milk.

Yellow rattle – © Laurie Campbell, Scottish Natural Heritage

Yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor) – © Laurie Campbell, Scottish Natural Heritage

Prepare the ground before over-sowing it with a wildflower seed mix.

Sowing onto a closed sward is likely to fail because seed does not to come into contact with the soil and any seedlings which germinate are out-competed by the existing sward.

First create a short sward by cutting (with cuttings removed) or grazing. Then aim to create 50 per cent bare ground, using discs or tined harrows to reduce competition from the existing sward. Within a few months the sward will recover and very little bare ground will remain. As a guide, the sward should have gaps of at least 10 centimetres in diameter.

Broadcast the seed on to the surface using suitable machinery such as a grass seed box, fertiliser spreader or arable seed drill. Seed can also be sown by hand. If you are working with small amounts of seed you may want to bulk-up the mix with sawdust or fine sand to help distribution. Keep it well mixed in the hopper while spreading.

It is important to bed the seed in. You can do this with a tined harrow, ridged roller or by using sheep or cattle to tread it in.

An alternative source of establishment is to use green hay from a nearby species-rich meadow. Cut the hay before its seed begins to fall, then transfer it immediately to the prepared ground. Spread it across the site and allow the seed to drop for at least a week, then remove the hay before it smothers the sward. Bed it in as above.

Keep the sward short immediately after sowing the wildflower mix to allow seeds to germinate. This is best done by short periods of intensive grazing. Alternatively, cut the sward and remove the cuttings. Avoid prolonged grazing initially to reduce the risk of seedlings being selectively grazed.

Any perennial weeds which have colonised should be controlled, for example by spot treatment with herbicide. This requires prior written approval. Any annual weeds should be controlled by the regular cutting or grazing outlined above.

Subsequent management should be tailored to the needs of the site. Refer to the Species-rich Grassland Management or Habitat Mosaic Management item guidance for further information.

Section Change Previous text New text
Introduction Paragraph amended. Use this item to restore botanical diversity to species-rich grasslands that have been damaged by practices such as the application of lime, fertiliser or FYM, or the use of herbicides. Use this item to restore botanical diversity to species-rich grasslands where diversity has been reduced by practices such as the application of lime, fertiliser or farmyard manure, or the use of herbicides. This item must be taken alongside the Species-rich Grassland Management option.
Where should I locate this option? Paragraph amended. The restoration of species-rich grasslands can be difficult and it is important to choose suitable sites. Restoration sites should retain some signs of species diversity; sites that are dominated by vigorous species such as ryegrass, Yorkshire fog or creeping buttercup are unlikely to be suitable. Where competitive species are present and there is no existing botanical interest, it will be more effective to use the Creation of Species-rich Grassland capital item. The restoration of species-rich grasslands can be difficult and it is important to choose suitable sites. Restoration sites should have less than 30 per cent rye-grasses and white clover or other sown grasses such as cocksfoot and Timothy. They should retain some signs of species diversity with at least 10 per cent cover of wildflowers (not including white clover, creeping buttercup or injurious weeds). Where competitive species are present and there is no existing botanical interest, it will be more effective to use the Creation of Species-rich Grassland capital item.
  Paragraph added on land above the hill dyke. - This item will support the restoration of species-rich grassland below the hill dyke. If you wish to include land above the hill dyke in your application you should explain why you consider this land to be species-rich grassland rather than moorland. You should provide either a Phase 1 habitat map of the area, including species lists and target notes and showing the extent of the different habitats, or a map of the National Vegetation Classification communities. Land previously managed as moorland should continue to be managed as moorland.
Which species should I sow? Paragraph amended. Choose native Scottish species that naturally grow in your area. They should be of UK origin and preferably of Scottish origin. At least 15 per cent should be herbs, and the rest grasses (but not productive agricultural varieties). Sow the seed at a minimum rate of 5–10kg/ha or 1–2kg/ha of pure wildflower mixture. Choose native Scottish species that naturally grow in your area. They should be of UK origin and preferably of Scottish origin. Since you are diversifying existing grassland, you can sow either a grass-herb mixture (not including productive agricultural grasses) or a pure wildflower mixture. Sow the seed at a minimum rate of 5–10kg/ha for a grass / wildflower mixture or 1–2kg/ha of pure wildflower mixture.
Which species should I sow? Paragraph on green hay moved. An alternative source of seed is to use green hay from a nearby species-rich meadow. Cut the hay before its seed begins to fall then transfer it immediately to the prepared ground. Spread it across the site and allow the seed to drop for at least a week, and then remove the hay before it smothers the sward. Bed it in as above. [Now in Establishing wildflowers]

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