Management options and capital items

This is an old version of the page

Date published: 7 December, 2016

Date superseded: 27 January, 2017

Important update
Please note that the list of options targeted on your land in 2017 may differ slightly from those available to you in 2016. This is because the spatial targeting maps have changed for some options.

Please use the Targeting tool to check which options are available on your holding.

You must enter all location codes separately for all holdings that form part of your farm business and which you wish to include in your AECS application. Some options may only be available on some holdings.

A wide range of management options and capital items are available under the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme.

There are rules and management requirements for each and they must be followed over the course of your contract.

For all arable options, the spatial targeting maps include the entire upland area. This is to allow for arable activity on the in-bye in these areas, it does not mean all the upland area is eligible for these options.

Only land which meets the individual option eligibility requirements can be entered for the option. For example, you cannot apply for Wild bird seed for Farmland Birds on rough grazing. If you have any queries, please contact your local RPID or SNH office.

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Also, supporting information is available which provides recommendations and best practice in relation to the why, where, how and what for each option and capital item. Your application could gain additional points if you follow these.