Cross Compliance inspection control report forms

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Date published: 11 March, 2017

Date superseded: 5 September, 2017

For recent changes to this guidance, please see the bottom of the page.

Cross Compliance inspections are made up of seven inspection tasks and each of these are covered by a separate control report form (CRF).

During a Cross Compliance inspection, the RPID inspector will record the results onto the relevant CRFs. The RPID inspector must complete two mandatory CRFs, which include the ‘GAEC and Core SMR CRF’ and the ‘Food and Feed law CRF’. The remaining five CRFs will only be completed by the inspector if these areas are applicable to the business selected for a cross compliance inspection.

In addition, a SSAFO inspection is also completed at the time of a cross compliance inspection. This is carried out on behalf of SEPA and the RPID inspector will record the results onto the SSAFO CRF.

The table below provides you with the CRFs that RPID inspectors use when carrying out Cross Compliance inspections.

Name Form
GAEC and Core SMR CRF (GAEC 1-7 and SMR 2, 3 and 9) and inspection task record GAEC and core SMR CRF 2016
Food and feed law (F&F) (SMR 4) CRF Food and feed law CRF 2016
Plant protection product (PPP) (SMR 10) CRF Plant protection CRF 2016
Dairy hygiene (SMR 4) CRF Dairy CRF 2016
Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) (SMR 1) CRF NVZ CRF 2016
Groundwater (GAEC 3) CRF Groundwater CRF 2016
Pig ID and traceability (SMR 6) CRF Pig ID CRF 2016
Silage, slurry and agricultural fuel oil (SSAFO) CRF SSAFO CRF 2016