
This is an old version of the page

This is an old version of the page

Date published: 14 May, 2015

Date superseded: 14 July, 2015

It may be possible to vary your approved project prior to or during its implementation. This may be necessary because of changed business circumstances, delays or other factor.

It is important that you seek prior approval before you implement them as this may have an impact on your eligibility to receive support.

If you wish to change a cost, this must be supported by the same details required as the initial application – three quotations and justification, where required, if the preferred costs isn’t the lowest or you have been unable to obtain three quotes.

You must also seek approval if you wish to increase the costs of an item approved, for example due to the cost increasing as a result of market conditions.

However, the overall approved total may not be increased.

Therefore, you will need to identify saving elsewhere to allow increased costs to be considered.

A variation must also be requested where you are unable to submit claims as agreed (date and/or amount) in you approval letter.

Variation will be dependent on various factors including fit with available budget and should be requested, where possible, before claims are overdue.

Further detailed guidance will be published later in 2015.

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