
This is an old version of the page

Date published: 9 June, 2021

Date superseded: 18 February, 2022

Bridges are used to cross over small water-courses connecting paths from one side to the other and removing significant barriers to accessibility. They should allow shared multi-use.

Any land is eligible.

Bridges must be new and linked to existing, upgraded or new paths.

Bridges should:

  • Have a 1.8 metres wide clear use deck, unless approved as between 1.2m or 2.5m.
  • Have a hand-rail(s)
  • Be linked smoothly with a ramp to the adjoining path at either end.

You can claim £1,100 per square metre of clear user deck.

The Inspector will check:

  • The location and extent of the work as is detailed in the contract schedule of works and contract map.
  • That the capital item requirements have been met as detailed above.