Creation of Species-rich Grassland

This is an old version of the page

Date published: 9 January, 2017

Date superseded: 21 January, 2023

Please note this option is suspended in 2022.

For recent changes to this guidance, please see the bottom of the page.

The aim of this item is to increase the area of species rich grassland by creating new habitat on land currently in an arable rotation or improved grassland which currently has no native species diversity of grass or flowers.

This will benefit a variety of invertebrates, birds and mammals, but particularly bees and other pollinators.

Arable land or improved grassland is eligible.

You should not include areas of land covering rocks, scree, water, dense bracken etc. We will check this using the same approach we use to check land for the Basic Payment Scheme.

Assessing your land eligibility

You must combine this item with one of the following management options:

You must identify on a map the area of the proposed grassland creation.

  • you must sow the area with a wildflower meadow mix to establish a new sward. The mix must include at least 15 per cent by weight of mixed Scottish native flowers, unless you receive prior approval as part of the application process
  • the seed must be of UK origin, unless you have prior approval
  • you must remove any existing cover by 1 June and establish the species-rich sward in the first year of your contract
  • you must maintain a diary

You can claim £754.42 per hectare.

The inspectors will check:

  • the location and extent of the work
  • you have sown the area with a wildflower meadow mix to establish a new sward. The mix must include at least 15 per cent by weight of mixed Scottish native flowers, unless you receive prior approval as part of the application process. This will involve an invoice check
  • the seed was of UK origin, unless you have prior approval. This will involve an invoice check
  • you have removed any existing cover by 1 June and established the species-rich grassland in the first year of your contract
  • you have maintained a diary

Section Change
Management requirements and Inspections Update to when cover should be removed and species-rishc grassland established

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