Introduction and updates for 2016

This is an old version of the page

Date published: 12 March, 2016

Date superseded: 9 January, 2017

To see recent changes to this guidance, check the bottom of the page.

This guidance provides details on the three Greening elements of the Common Agricultural Policy and should be read in conjunction with the guidance for the Basic Payment Scheme and Cross Compliance.

Please ensure that you read all the relevant elements of this updated 2016 guidance (including the annexes) if you are intending to apply under the Basic Payment Scheme. There have been a number of changes to the Greening requirements compared to 2015 that fall into two categories:

Scheme and other changes for 2016

  • when calculating the arable area subject to Greening for 2016 only the land claimed for Basic Payment Scheme on your Single Application Form will be considered
  • if you have EFA features, you are required to submit a map detailing the location and size of each EFA feature with your 2016 SAF, see Annex J
  • changes to the rules on EFA Nitrogen fixing crops including changes to the associated EFA field margin requirements. See Types of EFA
  • EFA Field margins and EFA Buffer strips no longer have to be adjacent to arable land but within five metres of arable land
  • changes to the list of acceptable crops in the EFA Green Cover mix to include Clover and Radish. See Types of EFA
  • crop codes (found in annexes D to I) have been updated to be in line with your 2016 Single Application Form
  • confirmation that organic land in conversion may be exempt from Greening, EFA and crop diversification

Changes specific to permanent grassland

  • an additional compulsory requirement is the inclusion of a nitrogen fertiliser and lime plan for permanent grassland
  • the detailed requirements for permanent grassland can be found in the permanent grassland of this guide

The Crop Diversification equivalence option detailed in the 2016 Greening guidance that was published in October 2015 will not be introduced in 2016. Therefore Annex K has now been deleted.

In this guidance:

  • Greening overview
  • Permanent grassland
  • Crop diversification
  • Ecological Focus Areas
  • Case studies
  • Glossary and abbreviations
  • Annexes

Section Change Previous text New text
Scheme and other changes for 2016 Some additional information Changes to the rules on Ecological Focus Areas (EFA) nitrogen fixing crops, including changes to the associated EFA field margin requirements. See Ecological Focus Areas. EFA field margins and EFA buffer strips no longer have to be adjacent to arable land but within five metres of arable land. If you have EFA features, you are required to submit a map detailing the location and size of each EFA feature with your 2016 Single Application Form. See Annex J When calculating the arable area subject to Greening for 2016 only the land claimed for Basic Payment Scheme on your Single Application Form will be considered. If you have EFA features, you are required to submit a map detailing the location and size of each EFA feature with your 2016 SAF, see Annex J. Changes to the rules on EFA Nitrogen fixing crops including changes to the associated EFA field margin requirements. Please see Types of EFA. EFA Field margins and EFA Buffer strips no longer have to be adjacent to arable land but within 5 m of arable land. Changes to the list of acceptable crops in the EFA Green Cover mix to include Clover and Radish. Please see Types of EFA
N/A crop codes (found in annexes D to I) have been updated to be in line with your 2016 Single Application Form
N/A Confirmation that organic land in conversion may be exempt from Greening, EFA and crop diversification
The Greening Equivalence Scheme Alterations to the text The Scottish Government has applied to the European Commission for approval to implement a Greening Equivalence Scheme in Scotland from 2016. If approved (and subject to any amendments made by the Commission) it is proposed that the scheme will contain all the existing requirements, with the exception of two specific additional elements:

a voluntary alternative Crop Diversification requirementan additional compulsory requirement for the inclusion of a Nutrient plan for permanent grassland
Details of the Scottish Government Equivalence scheme proposals can be found in Annex K. This guidance will be updated if the Equivalence scheme is approved and the Scottish Government confirms its intention to implement the scheme in 2016.
Changes specific to permanent grassland:

an additional compulsory requirement is the inclusion of a nutrient plan for permanent grassland the detailed requirements for permanent grassland can be found in the permanent grassland of this guide
The Crop Diversification equivalence option detailed in the 2016 Greening guidance that was published in October 2015 will not be introduced in 2016. Therefore Annex K has now been deleted.