Advice on using our forms

Fillable forms
You can fill in some of our forms using your computer. To do this, open the form and save it to your own computer before beginning. Otherwise you may lose changes. Note, however, that forms may not be available to complete online temporarily while they are being updated. If you can’t fill a form in online, please print it and complete by hand. Forms can only be returned to RPID, or the appropriate funding body, by email or post.

Printing forms
To print a copy of any form, open the form, click the 'file' option from your menu on-screen and click 'print'. If you want to print a colour form in grayscale (black and white), you may have to adjust your printer settings.

Downloading and saving changes to forms
To download a form to use later or to save changes made online to fillable forms, open the form, click ‘file’, ‘save as’ and save the form to your own computer. If you don't save the form to your own computer before beginning, you may lose changes.

Updates to forms
Our forms are updated and reviewed constantly to make sure we are capturing the right information and our processes are as easy to understand as possible. The most up-to date forms will always be available from this page. If you have received a paper form, you can confirm you have the most up-to-date version by comparing the revision date on the first page with the form available here.

Web browsers and Adobe Reader
Some web users may experience difficulty downloading or saving forms. Please make sure you have the most up-to-date browser or Adobe Reader software to avoid many of these issues. Contact your local area office for a paper copy of any form you are unable to access online.

Tablets and smartphones
To view our forms on a tablet or smartphone, you musty install the Adobe Acrobat app for your device. This app is free and can be downloaded from iTunes or Google Play. Downloading the app will allow you to complete fillable forms. Forms which use Adobe LiveCycle can only be accessed using a desktop or laptop computer at this time. If you need any LiveCycle form in a different format, please contact your local area office.