Agent services - compliance

Date published: 13 June, 2023

This is available for landowners who require agent services with relation to dealing with Phytophthora ramorum. Infected sites within the management zone are not eligible for this capital item.

Advisory visit and organising work to meet the minimum requirement of the SPHN.

In addition to the advisory visit, the agent will organise and supervise contracts for work to meet the minimum requirements of the Statutory Plant Health Notice.

If the landowner decides to retain the agent, after initial advice, to organise the clearance work, the agent will provide the following additional services as quickly as possible:

  • making an application for the Tree Health grant funding
  • the sourcing and contracting of competent and trained resource to undertake the work
  • agreeing costs, in writing, with you before work takes place
  • supervision of the work including ensuring that Health and Safety measures are met
  • assistance to claim the Tree Health grant funding
  • written confirmation of the services provided to accompany grant claim

Please ensure you abide by conditions set out in the Forestry Grant Scheme claim form and guidance.

Phytophthora ramorum in Scotland

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