Woodland Thinning

Date published: 30 March, 2015

This item is available for the thinning of young trees to reduce the overall stocking density of the woodland where the removal of a tree crop meets the objectives of the Woodland Improvement Grant – Habitats and Species or Woodland Improvement Grant – Woods In and Around Towns options.

You must record the boundary of the area designated for thinning on a map and give the management reasons for the operation in your application.

You must have an approved felling licence for this operation prior to starting work.

You must include details on the current stocking of the woodland and the desired stocking density of the woodland after completion of the operations.

If felling conifers, you must ensure that stump protection procedures are followed.

This item is only available where the net cost of the operation will run at a loss greater than this standard cost. You must supply cost projections as supporting information within your application. This should include harvesting and forwarding costs and the value of the product at roadside.

Please ensure you abide by conditions set out in the Forestry Grant Scheme claim form and guidance.

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