Picnic Table

This is an old version of the page

Date published: 8 March, 2016

Date superseded: 14 May, 2021

To see recent changes to this guidance, check the bottom of this page.

A well-placed table allows for rest and refreshment at a pleasant site.

The design should avoid spars, which can restrict accessible use and be a tripping hazard, and should provide space for easy use by a person in a wheelchair at the end or at the side of the table.

Selection of location should consider the views and setting, a level and firm site, and possibly issues over litter collection.

Any land is eligible. The table should be close to an upgraded or new path.

  • may be constructed from treated timber, recycled plastic or steel, placed close to the path
  • seats and table top should be planed and round-edged, and free draining, with galvanised screws or bolts countersunk
  • main leg(s) should be sturdy, minimum 100x100 millimetre section if timber, firmly anchored below ground level in holes backfilled with well-rammed earth and stones, plus concrete if required
  • height of the seat top should be 510 millimetres
  • table-top height should be 810 millimetres
  • must be set on a firm level surface and surrounding, with clear access from the path
  • there must be no horizontal spars above ground between bench and table, as that restricts accessibility
  • you must maintain a diary of photographic evidence of the construction phase, to include the works below ground level

For example, see Countryside Access Design Guide sheet 7.5

You can claim £700 per picnic table.

The inspectors will check:

  • the location and extent of the work
  • the table is constructed from treated timber, recycled plastic or steel,
  • the table is placed close to the path
  • seats and table top are planed and round-edged, and free draining, with galvanised screws or bolts countersunk
  • main leg(s) are minimum 100x100 millimetre section if timber, firmly anchored below ground level in holes backfilled with well-rammed earth and stones, plus concrete if required
  • height of the seat top is 510 millimetres
  • table-top height is 810 millimetres
  • it is set on a firm level surface and surrounding, with clear access from the path
  • there are no horizontal spars above ground between bench and table, as that restricts accessibility
  • you have maintained a diary of photographic evidence of the construction phase, to include the works below ground level

Section Change Previous text New text
Eligibility Amended criteria. Any land is eligible. The table should be close to an existing, upgraded or new path. Any land is eligible. The table should be close to an upgraded or new path.

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