Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme (SSBSS) quick guide
What you need to know
In 2025, new rules will apply to agricultural payments in Scotland.
One of the changes is a new calving interval condition for the Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme (SSBSS).
The calving interval of a cow is the number of days from one calving to her next calving.
Why are we introducing a calving interval?
We want to support farmers and crofters to be productive and to help tackle climate change. Reducing your calving interval can help to achieve this.
The calving interval of your herd is a useful measure of beef production.
Why is a longer calving interval a problem? It means you will have more time when your herd is creating costs without helping to produce beef.
It also means you will have more time when your herd is not producing beef, but is creating greenhouse gases.
What are the new rules?
From 1 January 2025, calves will only be eligible for a SSBSS payment if:
- their dam has a calving interval threshold of 410 days or less, or
- if the calf is the first registered birth associated with that dam
The 410 day calving interval threshold will remain unchanged for the 2026 scheme year.
You can read more about the rules in our Frequently Asked Questions.
What will this mean for your payments?
To show what this might mean for you, we asked the Scottish Rural College to look at the potential impacts.
They looked at what would have happened if the 410 day calving interval applied in recent years.
They found that fewer calves would have been eligible. However, because SSBSS is a demand led scheme, you would have got more money for each eligible calf.
Their research also shows that:
- in 2023, 87% of total dams would have met the 410 day calving interval
- businesses that are performing above the national average would have received additional funding
What to do next
You can read more about SSBSS on our scheme page.
This includes FAQs. These will help answer some of the questions you might have about the details of the scheme.
MyHerdStats is a free tool that shows performance indicators for your herd. This gives you the chance to find opportunities to make your herd more efficient.
The Farm Advisory Service has also produced a guide on how to prepare for the change.
You can also read their article on the changes.
Talk to us
If you have any questions and would like to speak to someone, you can contact your local area office.