Capital items

This is an old version of the page

Date published: 23 January, 2021

Date superseded: 21 January, 2022

Please note:

In this restricted 2021 round, for applications other than for Slurry Stores and Improving Public Access (IPA), only essential capital items will be accepted. This includes those items that are directly required to enable the management option (for example, Wild bird seed for Farmland Birds and Creation of Wild Bird Seed for Farmland Birds) and essential complimentary items only (for example, Creation of Wader Scrapes or Cutting of Rush Pasture).

For Organic Conversion, capital items, such as stock fences, are not normally eligible. An exception may be where the land was previously under a continually cropped arable system which is being converted to an organic system where grass and grazing are being re-introduced. Consequently you must supply a justification for any capital items applied for in your application detailing why these should be considered as exceptional by the case officer.

Capital items are not eligible when selecting the Organic Maintenance option as this option supports the cost of maintaining an organic management system.

For Corncrake management options, where the holding has already been in receipt of AECS funding for agri-environment, no fencing costs will be supported. For new applications, fencing will only be considered where the existing fencing will not last for 5-years.

For Corn Bunting options, the only fencing costs that can be applied for are temporary fencing costs associated with creation of plots for wild bird seed for farmland birds or forage brassica crop creation and only where the applicant business has livestock.

For Wader options, no fencing costs will be supported

* If you think any of these capital items may be necessary for managing a designated site, you must contact NatureScot to discuss further before submitting your application

**If you think Alternative Watering may be necessary for organic conversion management, you must contact RPID to discuss further before submitting your application

To apply for one of these capital items, it must first appear in your list of targeted management options and capital items, indicating that you are within the target area for the capital item. It can be applied for on a stand-alone basis.

To apply for one of these capital items, it must support a relevant management option.

Section Change
Whole page Update for 2021